Sunday, March 2, 2014


Aiden.  Monkey.  
The oldest.  The firstborn.
Studious, hard working, efficient and organized.
Aiden has strong ideas of right/wrong and the best way to do things.  Aiden leads well.  We're learning what it means to listen and accept other's ideas.  

Aiden works hard in school.  When shown what work is required for the day, his preferred method is to quickly work through everything to free up the rest of the day to do as he wishes.  When given a choice, he will always choose to work first, play second.
He tries to do things well and correctly.  Mistakes frustrate him.  He is inquisitive and likes to understand the world around him.

He loves to make faces for the camera:)

Aiden has taken to playing Lego with his brothers.  It seems the age gap is slowly closing and they are beginning to enjoy many of the same activities.  The little boys adore him.  They recently told me that when they grow up they want to be just like Aiden!

Aiden's first love continues to be Lego.  Each day he creates new creations.  Aiden appreciates free time each day to spend in this way.  If a day has been too heavily structured and he lacked time to build, he will set his alarm for early in the morning to make sure he gets some building time in before the day starts.

Aiden is hard working.  He loves to create forts, snow tunnels and more outside each day.

We recently discovered Carcassonne.  It has become a family favourite.  Aiden especially loves it and we play several times a week.  This is always his special time chosen activity.  We've started to explore the different expansion parts too.


  1. Some day soon Aiden will build a bridge to Vancouver so we don't have to wait for the ferry, and his brothers will be there to cut the ribbon. I'm so proud to see him being a role model for the younger ones. Don't ever change, Aiden.

  2. A LOT of these things about Aiden sound like another first-born boy that I know! :)
