Saturday, April 27, 2013

Festival of Arts 2013

 Aiden and Caileigh really enjoyed participating in the local Festival of Arts again this year.  We added speech arts this year and it was a fantastic experience for the kids to learn about presenting poems and stories orally.  Although I danced for many years, public speaking is not something I am comfortable with so I would love for them to have a confidence in this area.

Last night was the final concert for the festival and Sean took Aiden and Caileigh.  We had received a phone call earlier in the week informing us that the kids would be getting presented with an award but we decided not to tell the kids and leave it for a surprise.
They were extremely surprised and delighted to discover that they won a trophy for their piano duet.  Aiden also won an award for his fable, and the two of them received gold certificates for the fable presentations.
They are busy with plans for next year and can't wait to add more events.  We're hoping to also get Mikayla involved next year but we'll see where we're at next spring.  My only desire is that they continue to participate for the experience and not the trophy:)