Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We've made a few changes over the last couple of weeks.  I set up a new bed for Mikayla, in Caileigh's room.  I was then able to pass on Mikayla's toddler bed, to the boys and get rid of their cribs.

The boys love their new set up and because they aren't having any quiet time during the day, they are falling asleep quickly at night.
{note: there are no blinds because they destroyed those too!}

The difficulty with the girls is that we have the earliest riser, paired with the latest riser.  Both girls are extremely tired and mornings have been a little rough lately.  I've always enjoyed having a little bit of time in the mornings before the kids get up.  I like to have a coffee (yes, I'm back on it and loving it!) and read quietly from a book or devotional.

That brings us to this morning.  The older three had been up since the crack of dawn arguing and having difficulties with one another.  I got up and was trying to quietly have a cup of coffee with my devotions.  Every few minutes it seemed that someone needed something.  I was starting to realize that it wasn't going to happen this morning.  I looked up to find Mikayla needing me again!
I gave her a questioning look and she responds, "Mommy, when you're done with your commotions, can you get my breakfast?"

I think "commotions" is the perfect word to describe our new morning routine:)


  1. woohoo! Big bed changes! So what happens with Mikayla's old room?

  2. I'm not sure yet? Right now, Mikayla's things are still in it, minus her bed. It's kind of like an extra play room right now. I have thought about moving the computer/printer down there and using it as a homeschool office. I guess I'll think a little more and than decide.
