Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Caileigh

Caileigh is excited to be 6!

5 Things she wants to remember about being five are:
{In her own words}

1.  She liked learning about the body's senses.
2.  She likes playing with Mikayla.
3.  She loves to learn.
4.  She loves to swing on the swing.
5.  She likes being able to write her name in cursive.

I woke up just before 6 this morning.  I decided to go downstairs and have a coffee and this is what I found at the bottom of the stairs........Caileigh, who is never up early, sitting on the couch with a huge smile on her face, waiting to open her gifts.

On our children's birthday, they get to choose the meals for the day.  Caileigh choose chocolate sugar cereal for breakfast, toast with strawberry jam for lunch and ribs for dinner.
This morning after opening gifts, 
I walked into the dining room to see this........
I'm thinking the toy electric drill gives me two good guesses to who might have done it........

For weeks, Caileigh has been talking about having a castle cake for her birthday.  Just the other day she announced that she wanted a Dairy Queen ice cream cake with a horse instead.  I explained to her that we live too far away from Dairy Queen to get one, but that I would try to make her one instead.  Well, as Grandma drove through Cache Creek the other day, she stopped at the Dairy Queen to discover an ice cream cake with a horse on it!!  The store packaged it up in a big box full of ice and it arrived perfectly frozen.
She was very surprised and happy, especially since I had told her we were having canned pears for dessert:)
I really can't believe that Caileigh is 6, although technically she is still 5 for another 40mins or so:)
I look forward to the coming year to see what new things we discover together.  
Happy Birthday Bear!
We love you.

P.S.  I'm looking forward to our Birthday Get Away on Tuesday night.  Caileigh, Mikayla, Grandma and I are spending the night in a cabin to celebrate the three December birthdays!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAILEIGH, I hope that it is a nice warm cabin. Hello to Grandma from Dan and Debby.

  2. happy birthday sweet girl! I love all the birthday traditions you have in your family.

  3. Aww, Happy Birthday to your 6 year old girl!! How fun to be able to surprise her with that cake! :)
