Saturday, April 21, 2012

The other day, Aiden asked me if we were going to have any more babies.  I told him that we felt that our family was complete and there would be no new additions, except for the dog that we hope to get in the next few years.  Aiden gave me his typical, "you never know".  Rather then answer that we do actually know, I asked him if he would like more babies.  Aiden pauses and then replies, "Well, only a few more, like three or four.  Anything more than that would just be crazy!"

{Believe it or not, this picture was taken today!  I didn't think it was that warm, but the kids disagreed.}

Mikayla has become the queen of excuses.  If I tell her that she needs to do something, she will often tell me that other parents don't make their children do that.  A while back I told her she needed to eat her dinner.  She said she wanted a cookie instead and that Bupee Garling had told her she could have a cookie.  We had to phone Bupee and he insisted that it was very important that Mikayla eat her dinner first and that he would never have told her to eat the cookie first.  She was pretty disappointed to be found out.

Last week Caileigh came running to me to tell me that Mikayla was eating her jelly bean.
"I'm not eating it Mommy, I'm just crunching it with my teeth."

Mikayla took a chocolate out of the cupboard and I told her that she needed to put it back.  "But I'm not going to eat it Mom.  I'm a scientist and I just want to do an experiment with it."

Mikayla rode her running bike the entire way around Sepa Lake today.  I sure hope we can do that a lot more this summer!

Jordan has been catching up to Alex with his injuries.  No major ones, but lot's of little ones.  You might be able to see the remains of a black eye but his hat his covering up his goose egg.  Today he added a bruised/scraped arm to the mix.
Jordan has a cute habit of putting his arms behind his head when he is sitting against something.  He does it in his car seat, the couch, during diaper changes, or when he is snuggling with me.  It always makes me smile because it makes him look so much older.

Alex is developing quite the flair for the dramatics.  This morning I offered him his bowl of cereal and he began to cry, scream, and shriek.  I asked him varying questions but nothing seemed to help. I realized that I had switched bowls on him and offered him the bowl that I had given Aiden.  "No, No, No" he kept saying while shaking his head and throwing his head back in despair.  On a whim I picked up Aiden's spoon and asked if he wanted that, "Yeah" he happily smiled, picked up the spoon and began to eat his breakfast.

We walked around Sepa Lake this morning and I let the boys out to walk the last portion.  They were so excited and kept calling out, "Run!, Run!"

Caileigh has always been our night owl who likes to sleep in mornings.  We used to think it was amazing that she would sleep in until 7.  It's a good thing that we homeschool because lately she has been sleeping in until 8 and a couple of days ago it was 9:15!  I know she stays up late reading but I think she must be growing as well.  If her pants are any indication, I'd say she has been growing quite a bit.


  1. aw, nice to hear a bit about each of your kiddos.

  2. What a great look into the kids right now. Perhaps Aiden will be an 18 and counting type parent? Mikayla, you are too intelligent for your age!! Jordan doesn't want to be left out of hugs and kisses for boo boos. Alex, having a twin makes you want to share with everyone??? And Caileigh, you did an amazing job at your recital.
