Miss Mikers is 4!
I've noticed a big difference in Mikayla during the last few months and there is a maturity that is developing.
She has been becoming a good listener and is doing better at obeying.
Mikayla has two constant companions, Blankie and Sally.
Mikayla does her best to keep up with Aiden and Caileigh.
She is reading short sentences and taught herself to write her name.

She spends hours colouring and has exceptional control, although we do need to correct her finger grip.
She asks to paint every day.
She loves to get dressed up and has definite ideas of what she wants, or doesn't want to wear.
She is enthralled in all things "princess".
She likes to get her "school" done before she plays.
She is a great kitchen helper.
She has clear ways of letting you know she is not happy.
She keeps me laughing with her experssions and conversations. She is clever and precocious, a deadly combination.
She stretches me as a parent.
She brings excitement and joy to our lives.
Happy Birthday Mikayla!
We celebrated her birthday a couple of days early so that my parents could be present.
She couldn't believe that she got so many coins!!