Monday, August 1, 2011

Mikayla Monkey

Mikayla is a child full of life. Always a ready smile, her wild hair seems to capture her very essence. This child keeps me on my toes more than any other. She can create utter exasperation and immense humor in the same moment. I am often challenged to keep a straight face when disciplining this fire cracker. She has a repertoire of names that she likes to call people and they are sadly based on bathroom humor. She can also fit these words easily into any sentence and does so often.

Mikayla loves food. Meals and snack time are a favorite activity and I can often find a trail of sugar leading from the cupboard, flour footprints or cookie crumbs.

Mikayla loves to dress up. Last week we had a function at the park and she went dressed in her favorite costume as an elephant. The pig suit is her second favorite. Ballet skirts and dresses are a close third.

Mikayla is on the run everywhere she goes. We recently went to a carnival and she went on every ride she could with a huge smile on her face. Her biggest disappointment was not being tall enough to ride the bumper cars. She keeps saying she can't wait until next year when she is big enough.

There is a fierceness in Mikayla that cannot be described by words. I believe this picture gives a small glimpse. The teeth clench can be found in conjunction with seemingly loving, tender motives.

A few more things:
*weighs 29 pounds
*loves reading
*enjoys coloring on paper and her own body equally
*extremely mischievous
*takes great pleasure in doing the "opposite"
*looks up to her brother and sister
*can be caring towards her little brothers