Food-The boys continue to enjoy their food. They have tried a variety of foods from Parsnips to Papaya. They seem to eat most anything at this stage. I had not noticed a difference in their tastes until recently. When they were offered avocado, they both ate it although Jordan seemed to genuinely enjoy it and smiled through his meal, whereas Alex made the most disgusted faces and seemed less eager to finish. They eat at lunch and again at dinner. I usually feed the boys around 4:30 so that I can focus on their eating and our dinner prep. After the boys meal, I bathe the three youngest ones and by the time we finish up, dinner is usually ready.
Four blue eyes always following my every move. The boys sit and wait for their lunch.
The boys spend a large majority of their awake time exploring their environment. We lay out blankets and toys and they roll, squirm and move along independently. Just yesterday Alex pulled his knees up under him so he is catching up to Jordan. Alex also has a way of rolling far to one side, reaching ahead and then pulling himself forward.
It has only been recently that the boys have taken notice of each other. So far, Alex usually goes after Jordan. He grabs, pinches and chews on him while Jordan squeals in a high pitched protest.
Alex grabbing onto Jordan.
Sleep- For the last month the boys sleep has been pretty terrible. Alex sleeps fairly unsettled and wakes often to be comforted. They have been waking roughly every 3 hours. I don't mind (as much) when they just wake for a quick feed however, since the boys have been sick with their first cold, their sleep took a turn for the worst. Suddenly they were not only waking frequently but nothing was helping. Two nights ago, Sean brought home some Advil and we gave it to the boys when they woke for their first waking around 8. I have been extremely exhausted lately so I went to sleep at 10 right after getting the boys back to sleep. Imagine my surprise when I woke up to use the bathroom and it was 6 and I had not heard from them yet!! I slept 8 hours straight!! The boys continued to sleep until shortly after 7. We gave them Advil again last night and they only woke up once to feed. Once we get the boys good and healthy we'll have to look at their sleep and see where they are at. For the most part, the boys don't wake each other up but lately they have been. Hopefully this is all related to their cold. Since they have been sick, they refuse their soothers. I figure I will use this chance to wean them off it. It has already been nearly a week.
The boys mostly wear 12 month clothing and their infant seats are starting to get a little snug. We will definitely be keeping them in it until max height/weight because that will sure throw another twist into things. When I was in Powell River, I used to go grocery shopping by pushing the double stroller with one hand and pulling the shopping cart with the other. Up here, the store is so small and the aisles so narrow that I can't manuevre. I attempted it again the other day just to realize that it is not going to work. I sometimes struggle a little because I feel like I want to get out and about but it can be so difficult to summon the energy. I have to think through every situation especially when, like today, the weather is -25. Everything is a process and sometimes things are downright near impossible. I am trying to give myself slack and remember that we are in a new town with young children and a husband that works 60-70 hours a week.
I do try and enjoy our current situation though. Sean and I were laughing the other night thinking about the fact that things are probably the easiest they will be for awhile. As soon as the babies are completely crawling we will be faced with a whole new set of challenges. It will probably remain that way until they are around 3. Just thinking about it makes me want to go and have another cup of coffee!!

:( is this the first twin sickies for you?
ReplyDeleteThe cuteness factor in your house is very high. Every time you blog I think you are the most amazing mom ever. So glad you had an 8 hour sleep in there!
ReplyDelete7 months?! How did THAT happen? So much cuteness, I can hardly stand it!
ReplyDelete*I thought I wote that comment on your previous post?*
ReplyDeleteLouise - you're right, she is!
Ash - I sooooo wish I could just stop in and give you a hand, or let you drop a baby or two off at my house to help like you did for me way back when we both only had ONE CHILD! Praying for your support system there to continue to grow and expand to help you get through these cold busy days.