Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5 kids

We have five kids. I know this because I birthed them all and I feed and care for them everyday but I don't think I yet know this. Just tonight I was telling Sean that I was driving a girl to dance class. I was saying how her Mom has 6 kids and it must be so difficult for her to get everyone in the car. Sean says, "but Ashley, if you have her daughter, now you have 6 kids that you are driving to class." Oh, right, I forgot!
I remember a time when I would look at families with four children and think, how in the world do they do it? I always wanted two kids. One boy and one girl. I have always loved kids but I truly never gave it a thought to have more than two. Perhaps it was because I grew up with a brother or maybe it is because having two kids is so common. I'm really not sure. Our original "plan" was to have our second child roughly 2 1/2 years after our first but wouldn't you know that we found ourselves with two children in 16 months. It was shortly after Caileigh's birth that I started to ponder the idea of a third. Things were so amazing with two that I began to imagine how much greater they could be with three. I wanted one more pregnancy in which to enjoy every last milestone. After Mikayla was born I loved the idea of more but the idea of actually having any more never really crossed our minds. Little did I know that 18 months later I would be Mom to 5!
I look at my family of 7 and feel so incredibly blessed. A day doesn't go by that I don't feel thankful for their health and presence in my life. I do think, however, as more children have joined our family I have lost perspective that five kids is indeed a larger family. I am reminded though each time I walk through the grocery store or mall. It is incredible the amount of stares that I receive. I suppose it does look a little funny to see someone pushing a double stroller, pulling a shopping cart, hauling one child on the back and guiding two walking children, but it can be a little disconcerting and I am still getting used to it. The typical comments are, "you sure have your hands full" or "are they all yours?" and also "you do know what causes this don't you?" I think the best comment was the other day when I was in the mall with the kids and a woman stopped to ask me if they were all mine. She then proceeded to shake her finger at me and say, "now no more!" I should have said, "but I'm already pregnant again!" I didn't though, and I'm not.
So I have five kids. Five beautiful, wonderful kids. And just think, 12 years from now I will have five teenagers.


  1. Now that photo gives a whole new meaning to the words "dog pile!". You literally have a pile of children on your hands :o) Seriously, thank you for sharing your thoughts on being a mother to five and a caring for a family of seven. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you're my hero!

  2. I love this post, and I love you, and I can't wait to love on your kids again sometime!

  3. You and Sean have a WONDERFUL family.

    You are both amazing. Somehow getting through is easy ( well mostly eh! ) as you are getting through it.

    It is when you look back and think: Just how did I manage to juggle the car seats, the babies, the groceries, the manners, the stories, the making of the cookies, the keeping on top of the laundry, the teaching, the cooking, the story telling, the admonishments when needed etc. etc.

    And all those memories.

  4. Lovely post Ashley. I'm sure there will be 'joy' x5 at every stage,including when they are 'teens, mostly because you'll find it.

  5. You are amazing!! And the comment about the 5 teenagers totally made me laugh:)
