Saturday, December 12, 2009

Caileigh's Birthday

I can't believe this little girl is turning 3! Bupee Garling is away next week so we had a birthday celebration today and will have another one on Tuesday when Sean is off work. The official day is next Wed, the 16th.

We had a great time with Caileigh's pick of waffles, strawberries and whipped cream for lunch. Cupcakes for dessert. Thank you everyone for helping to make Caileigh's day special.


  1. Happy birthday Caleigh!! Hugs & kisses from Auntie Myr & Uncle John :)

  2. Oh man, their outfits are adorable! You have a beautiful 3 year old there:)

  3. Happy 3rd birthday to Caleigh!

    She is looking so grown up.
    Looks like you all had a fun time celebrating your sweet girls birthday. :)
