Saturday, June 20, 2009

We're Home!

What a fantastic week we had! I forgot how exhiliarating, exhausting and exciting camping can be! The kid's loved every minute of it and once the initial packing was done, the rest of it was a lot easier. The kids who are normally in bed at 7 were up until nearly 10 each night and up by 6. This eventually caught up to them and by the end of the week the kids were starting to sleep in until 7 which was heavenly!!! We spent the first two nights at a local beach. The kid's loved playing at the park or the water front and enjoyed getting to know "Mollie", the campground squirrel. The last day as Sean was packing up camp the kids played squirrel. Aiden was a squirrel and Caileigh would throw nuts and peanuts at him. We must have spent over 2 hours playing this game.
The campsite

Dirty faces

Dirty hands

Roasting marshmallows. Can't say I have ever done that while it is still sunny and warm out!


Aiden the Squirrel

Watching Mollie the Squirrel.

Beautiful sunsets

Monday we came home and caught up on laundry, cleaning etc. We head out again first thing Tuesday and took the ferry over to the Peninsula. We camped out near Sechelt at Porpoise Bay. What a gorgeous location this is! Gorgeous sandy beaches and a close drive to Starbucks for those ultra important morning coffees.......yes, we are pampered campers! Wednesday morning we took the ferry to Vancouver for the day. My Grandpa was quite sick the week before and we felt it was important to visit him as a family as the last time Sean and I visited them together was 5 years ago!!! We were all very excited to see them and very much enjoyed our day together!
Gigi and Mikayla

Gigi making Mikayla laugh.
Sean and Poppa playing crib.

A walk through the garden. Can you believe this yard is cared for by 91 and 93 year olds? I only wish I had a picture of the vegetable garden containing potatoes, tomatoes, beans, radishes, lettuce and more. Puts me to shame!

You can see the start of the garden....

Poppa and Mikayla studying one another.

How Mikayla travels sling style.

Bayside Campgrounds.
Playing whiffle ball.

Going for walks.

Playing at the park.

Blowing bubbles.

Always diggers and dump trucks!

Gourmet dinners.

Taking it all in.

Miky and Mom.

We finally arrived home Friday and although our time away was wonderful, I must admit that my warm bath made home seem wonderfully good. Until next time.......


  1. Looks like such a fun trip! I think we need to convince my dad to buy an RV, that sure looks convenient! Beautiful sunsets.

  2. What a great time it looks and sounds like you had!
    I love the sunset picture, amazing!
    And also agree with you that your grandparents yard is impressive!

  3. so amazing! great post, Ash. I could totally do camping with an RV like that. How was the seatbelt situation? That second last picture of Mikayla - incredible. The one of the two of you is very nice too. :)

  4. Great pics Ash!!! Looks like you guys had a blast! What great memories for the kiddies :)
