SUCH a happy baby you are!! You rarely cry and if you do it is after much warning and for a very specific reason. You love to watch your brother and sister play and sit on your play mat and kick and reach. You love trying to stand and are quite strong. You dislike tummy time. You are asleep for the night between 6:30-7 and are sometimes up twice and other times you sleep through. (until 5) You still sleep during the day in your swing or the car seat if we have been out.

Your hands are quite fascinating for you to watch and they are constantly in your mouth. You love to be held facing out so you can suck on your hands and observe the world around you. You are a delight to be around and we love you very much!

Mikayla and Kendie (Caileigh's baby)

3 Month Stats:
Mikalya Weight 12 1/2 pounds Height 24 inches
Caileigh Weight 13 pounds Height 24 1/2 inches
Aiden Weight 17 lbs 12 oz. Height 26 inches
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