For the first 6 weeks of Mikayla's life, she slept on my chest in our bed. I was starting to feel really stiff in my back and neck so decided to take the plunge and move her into her playpen. I also put the playpen in her new room (our closet) and figured that although I may lose sleep at first, in the long-term it would be a better solution. Well, I have been delightfully surprised that she is sleeping better!! Around 7-8ish I wrap her up in her Miracle Blanket, nurse her and put her to bed. She has then been waking only once or twice until morning (6ish). I really love her swaddle. I borrowed one from Rachel for Caileigh and so I knew how great they were. I was so pleased that my friend Bree got me one for Mikayla. Does Jax use his Rachel?
During the day, Mikayla likes to sleep in my arms, her sling, or in her swing.
Caileigh just loves to pretend she is a baby too!
Has anyone ever second guessed their child's name or it's spelling??
I sometimes wonder if we should have spelled Mikayla, Makayla. I like nicknaming her Miss Mik and prefer Mik to Mak, but I still think that Makayla looks nicer. I suppose she can always change it when she is older if she has a problem with it.
I second guess Katie (Katianna) all the time! Why did we give her a name we never use? Will it be a problem if there is another Katie in her class and she starts going by Katianna? Oh well! Too late! We'll just deal with it then!
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, I like Mikayla better than Makayla- it's more interesting!
I've never seen a Makayla. You made the right choice for sure. I had to type very slowly to get all the 'a's in the right place. I've used the miracle blanket off and on. sometimes he seems to like it, but he more often seems to like his arms out. Lately I've been loosely swaddling him in a bigger flannel blanket. And right now he's fallen asleep too early for me. I hope he sleeps through the night!
ReplyDeleteEch! what's up with this younger generation???? Always bigger is better! ;) Now when our wee one's mother was young, all SHE needed was a piece of satin that had the right "sound!!