Saturday, January 31, 2009

2 down 2 to go!

Actually, because I am posting mid-day, it is more like 1 1/2 days to go until Sean gets home...........although, who's counting?? I wouldnt waste my time figuring out that there are only 34 hours 26 min left until Sean arrives at our door. There have definitely been challenges over the last few days but there have been good times too.

Caileigh only has one more stickers until she gets her big treat, which she has decided will be chocolate. When she talks about it she gets wide eyed and her whole body quivers with excitement. What can I expect when I ate a pound of chocolate a day while pregnant with her. She is still waking up around 5 but she isn't getting out of bed in the middle of the night. I will worry about the early mornings next.
Aiden has decided that he would much rather sleep in bed with me than earn a treat but hopefully once Sean gets home we can work on that. When I am already waking up a lot at night, taking Aiden back upstairs is the last thing on my mind.

Mikayla weighed in at 9 lbs 1 oz yesterday. It's good to know that all that milk is going somewhere. My little snacker loves to eat all the time. Maybe she got that from me eating all the time while pregnant with her? I wouldn't be surprised.
Aiden has been very encouraging lately. As I lay on the floor attempting to do Pilates he exclaimed, "Good job Mommy! You are doing just what that lady on TV is telling you to do!" Or today while I vacuumed, "You are vacuuming really well Mommy!" I like to think I was doing a good job too.
We enjoyed eating popcorn and watching Animal Planet last night. I just love hearing the kids comments while we watch. Very comical!
Today we are hoping to get outside and enjoy the sunny, although cool day. I may pile the kids in the car and drive across town to deliver a thank you note all because it will burn an hour of time. Maybe I'll cash in my Starbucks certificate I'm on to something!


  1. Max is full of compliments lately too. It *almost* cancels out all the whining and backtalk ...

    forgot to watch the video. will do it now.

  2. oh. my. goodness. what a talker! She's miles ahead of Marty. And she sounds so much like Aiden.

  3. That video is really funny, and cute too! I love it when she tells you where the chocolate is.
