Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back online

Last picture of our family of four

With baby #3 arriving tomorrow, I thought it would be a great way for family and friends to keep in touch. I enjoyed blogging for a short stint a year ago and decided to give it another shot. This blog is secure to only those I have invited so I feel pretty safe. I hope you enjoy and find this an easy way to keep in touch.


  1. Sorry you've got blogspots. Have you tried Windex?

  2. thank you Ashley, for the invitation to the baby and mom blog. I will look forward to reading it and seeing the kids. I will be thinking of you and your little one tomorrow. Aunty Jean

  3. Yay!!! So glad to see you're back blogging again. With number three, things may be too busy to chat as we so love to do, so this will help me keep in the loop! Good luck tomorrow :o)

  4. Tha gaol agam ort a stubag "Le gach beannachd" ......grandma Mac a'Ghobhainn
