Monday, November 6, 2017

First Vernon Snow

Vernon had it's first snow fall.  Apparently it is quite rare to have snow and a cold snap in November but it sure felt familiar to us:)

Aiden got busy with building snowboard jumps, BUT......

it led to this!  We see the specialist in 10 days to see how it's healing but looks like no snowboarding for 4-6 weeks.

Sunday, November 5, 2017


After Gramma arrived, we looked ahead at the weather forecast and noticed there was only going to be one more clear, sunny day before the snow came.  We made an impromptu decision to drive to Revelstoke for the day.  It was a beautiful day for a drive!  We were disappointed that the dam was closed for the season but we went on a hike, had lunch and just enjoyed the fall colours.

Gramma's Move

Gramma has moved to Vernon!
Sean and Aiden drove the U-Haul to Powell River to pick her up and then came back.

Aiden was able to see Gigi on a stop through Vancouver.

While the boys were gone, we had friends come stay with us.  Lot's of fun crafting and creating:)

Even Kelly and I crafted.  I painted the old window frame that is now behind our bed.

Unpacking is hard work:)

Grammas special jewels.

Sleep overs.

Quiet time


October This and That