Friday, August 26, 2016


Several times this summer, Sean has had to cancel his holidays.  With the kids missing camp, and school starting up again, he finally managed to get his two days off in a row, along with a stat, so we could go on a short vacation.
We left early Sunday morning and drove to Vernon.  We had fun exploring Polson Park until we visited the waterslides!  We had a fantastic day at the water park.  (No pictures as I left the phone in the car.)

Leaving Vernon and heading back to Kamloops.

The weather we were driving into.

Bright and early the kids were up and in the pool.

A shopping trip.  A tiara, of course.

Monday afternoon we took the kids to the movie.  I think they would have been just as happy in the arcade.

Dinner at the White Spot, always a treat.

A princess makeover compliments of the girls.
Tuesday we spent the day at Riverside Park.

I didn't take a whole lot of pictures but it was a wonderful refreshing time away.


This was a strange summer.  Similar to last year's strange summer of illness.  July was disappointing because of All.  The.  Rain.
It didn't feel like summer but we kept ourselves busy with the trip to Powell River, visits with friends, our church barbecue and VBS.
The last week of July, Alex came down with a high fever.  It only lasted 24 hours and then he felt fine.  This slowly went through all the kids.  On Monday, the day before the older three were to go to summer cam for the first time, Caileigh developed spots on her hands, feet and mouth and we realized she had Hand/Foot/Mouth!  A quick trip to the Dr. confirmed this, and also that Aiden had tonsillitis.  The kids couldn't go to camp.
This was very disappointing to all, yet there is the added bonus that they are all registered and paid for next year!  We spent our 10 days of quarantine as fun as we could make it.  Thankful the rest of August passed by uneventful.


Special date with Mom and Dad while the rest were at VBS.

Biking Adventures

Short visit with friends due to the fevers.  So nice, regardless.

Friends 11 years!

Lot's of garden/pet sitting this summer.

Deck sleep over the Eve of Aiden's Birthday.

Where they all were in the morning.

Finally off quarantine and visiting with friends.

Cool Summer School

Aiden and Caileigh biked to piano.  The rest of us met them on their way home.

Lot's of homemade ice cream.

Backyard Camping 

Annual Friends Visit

Swimming at the neighbours

Heritage Site

Family Adventure to Canim/Mahood Falls

Tree Cutting

When Jordan makes his own hot dog

Ice Cream Date Night with Daddy