Friday, July 31, 2015


July was such a blur.  I was sick nearly 7 weeks, then my dad visited and then the flu hit!  We managed to still have a few adventures but I am shocked how quickly the month flew by.  Here are a few moments from July.

(Quiet moments during the flu)

(Fluids to speed up the rehydration)

(Individual projects)

 (Golf with Dad)

(Resident baker)

 (Lap dog)

(Pool plays.  I can take the kids on my own now!)

(River swims)

(Lego partners)

(Um.....7 lbs of smarties might be a little too much Aiden)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Things I want to remember

Mikayla said, "Wow, I only had to tell Buddy ten times to drop it and he did!"

Alex calling us "good mommy", and "good daddy", or "best momma in the whole world".

Mikayla saying, "bemember" for remember.

Alex getting out of bed dozens of times to give us just one more kiss and hug.

Caileigh caring for and helping her little brothers.

Aidens love for Lego.  Hours a day.

Jordan saying, "walla" for voila.

The way Alex calls me mama and Jordan calls me mommy.

The kids love for books.

Mikaylas old pencil grip......Alex's current pencil grip.

Mikayla saying, "I am d-u-n, done!"

The timer on the oven went off.  Alex called, “Mommy, the muffins need you!”

I put gel in Alex's hair for church and he sad, "This jello is sticky!"

Alex referring to things, "yesteryear" or "yesternight".

alden pronouncing things......."laun-draw-mat (laundromat)  , ric-o-shit (ricochet), yak-it (yacht),  Gin-gin-vities (gingivitis), Tar-tar (tartar)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Bupee and Uncle Matt

We just finished a week long visit with Bupee and Uncle Matt.  We enjoyed our time together despite the arrival of a stomach flu while they were here.  Each of the kids got to enjoy a special date with Bupee.  So thankful that they were able to visit!

{One evening the kids asked Bupee to colour with them.  Bupee drew a picture of a robot man and the next thing we knew, everyone was using his picture for inspiration to create their own}

(I had to get in on it too:)

(Begbie Summit)

(Centennial Park)

(The Marsh)

(Bridge Falls)

(The Flu Central Station.  Hoping everyone is better soon!)

Monday, July 13, 2015

Boy Time/Girl Time

To celebrate Aiden, Alex and Jordan's summer birthdays this year, Sean took the boys camping for two nights.  They enjoyed swimming, fishing and biking in the hot weather.  Alex and Jordan caught their first fish and were quite excited about it.

While the boys were off camping, Caileigh, Mikayla and I enjoyed girl time!  I was recovering from bronchitis so the quieter house was good for me (apart from the roofers banging above our heads:)  The girls and I crafted, went out for lunch, went for walks, went swimming, had spa time and watched fun girl movies.

Both groups of Watsons had a fantastic time and enjoyed the division of the sexes.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Zalinko Visit

It was so great to see the Zalinkos for our annual (mostly) visit!  The kids have all changed since our last full visit in 2013.  It was great to see them play well together.  So thankful that they traveled up to see us.

(2004 & 2005 Kids)

(2006 Kids)

(2008 Kids)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015