Wednesday, February 25, 2015

We have had such amazing warm weather over the last couple of weeks.  I have loved every minute of it.  We have been warned that sometimes March can bring more snow than the rest of the winter but I am holding out hope that perhaps spring really is arriving early this year.  We are enjoying every moment we can outside and ignoring the forecast for snow tomorrow.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Family Fun

In true Watson fashion, we visited the city and fit a bunch of activities into a short period of time.

The kids (and Sean and I) loved our indoor rock climbing experience.  The staff and center were fantastic and once Sean and I were trained to belay, we were able to always have four climbers going at a time.  Interesting to see the kids personalities shine through their climbing styles.

(Hard to take pictures while belaying or climbing myself.  Many of these photos were taken by the kids on the cell phone, thus the blurriness)

After practicing meal time manners for the last month, we rewarded the kids with dinner at the White Spot.  They did fantastic.

After a swim, movie in bed.  I filled up an ice bucket and called it an "Ice Party":)

Children's Musuem.  The kids love the fur trading post and dress up centre.

A looney mall ride goes a long way when you're from a small town.
Throw in a few escalator and elevator rides and the kids call it a fantastic time.

Our kids have never been to a McDonald's play centre. (Except for Aiden once as a toddler)  For some strange reason I really wanted them to go.
They were shrieking with pleasure, "Thank you Mommy and Daddy!   Thank you so much!"
A fun play, plenty of hand washing after and we were good to grab a snack for the drive home.

It doesn't seem to matter where we go, or how long we're gone, but the drive home is always filled with much bickering, whining and displeasure.

Guess we did a good job of tiring them out!

A great, fun family get away in the midst of an otherwise ordinary February.