Friday, November 30, 2012

Mommy's 2 Helpers

Sean had the older three out with him so Alex and Jordan were my special kitchen helpers.  They were so excited to help me make muffins.  Alex was in charge of the dry ingredients and Jordan of the wet.  They took their jobs pretty seriously and even helped clean up.  All that water play might have been their favorite part!
The next morning they bounded out of bed excitedly to serve everyone the muffins they had made the night before and beamed as everyone told them how delicious they were!

{You can see that they sampled some chocolate chips.  Alex with the evidence on his face.}

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


A special bond.

These two are becoming closer every day.  It is so much fun to watch their relationship grow as they find things to engage with together.  They have similar interests in many things from Little People, colouring and dress up. They both have creative, active imaginations and they draw ideas from each other.  Last week they had a sleep over together in Mikayla's room.  It went well, and apart from staying up a little late, they were pretty well behaved.  I look forward to when they will share a room together.  Maybe this summer?
 At meal times, they have started a game where they make their utensils talk to each other.  I had to laugh when last week Alex and Jordan started having their utensils talk to each other too!  We spent a little time yesterday talking about proper meal time manners:)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Last week, during "quiet" time, Alex and Jordan made a HUGE mess!  When questioned who had done it, Alex replied, "Jordan did it."  Jordan then said, "Alex did it".  I'm thinking the next few years will be a little interesting with these two.........

Friday, November 23, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Family Bike Ride

Sean has been off work for the last week.  
Nanee and Bupee came up to visit and the kids enjoyed having some time with them.  We hadn't seen them since their cross-Canada trip so it was nice to catch up.
We also intended to go to Kamloops overnight but I ended up with the stomach flu and so we had to cancel.  
Today, the weather was quite mild and I was feeling better so we took the kids for a bike ride around Sepa Lake.
I was so impressed with the little boys as it was their first time, but they made it the entire 2.2kms!

P.S.  Since when do I have 5 big kids?!

Friday, November 9, 2012

A gift offering for me?

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Babies

I never used to understand why people would refer to the "baby" in the family when they were obviously no longer an infant.  I mean, it is inevitable that one child has to be the youngest, but calling them baby?  I guess I never understood this concept because there always an actual baby in our family.  Now that the boys are two, they are definitely, fully and completely toddlers and yet it seems we still refer to them as "the babies" from time to time.  I made mention of the babies at the library the other day and noticed the librarian looking at me expectantly, and I had to quickly explain before she got the wrong idea!

We usually call them "the boys", rarely "the twins", but from time to time, "the babies".

Our "babies" are fun, busy and energetic.  They love being included in the same things as the older kids.  Both boys don't pronounce their "k" sounds so they love to "la-lore" (colour) and play with "chars" (cars).  They both have a similar way of talking and use the same speech patterns.  Aiden is "Aida", Caileigh is "layleigh", Mikayla is "lala" and they refer to each other as "Allie" and "Jor-je".

Here they are busy threading cheerios onto a toothpick, stuck into a marshmallow. (A variation of the older kids math assignment)

Although the boys, can, and do climb out of their cribs continually, we haven't moved them into beds.  They are pretty capable of safely maneurvering the railings and once they do fall asleep, I think they like the security of the crib.  I'm surprised they can sleep at night with the cribs full of cars and books.  The other night I checked on the boys to find a school bus on top of Jordan's face!

 They don't like to fall asleep in the dark because they like a little time to play before they fall asleep.  For a while (and sometimes still) they have "on" and "off" backwards.  I would turn off the light and Jordan would begin to scream and beg me to turn the light off.  I would say, "you want the light on" and he would say, "yeah off".  Once I figured out the discrepancy, it made for smoother bedtimes.


Sometimes if I have errands to do, I will take one boy with me.  Last week I took Aiden and Jordan grocery shopping with me and Jordan was so very excited.  He did not stop talking the entire way there.  He would say, "Jorje go!", "Aida go!', "Mommy go!" and then would go through, "Lala no go", "Allie no go"........  And then he would repeat the whole thing.  When we got to the store he walked in holding my hand while he strutted his body with a huge smile on his face.  It was very cute.  (Don't worry, Alex had special time at home with Daddy and the girls and it will be his turn next.)



The boys adore their older brother and sisters.  The older three read to them, help them get snacks and spend time playing with them.  Every morning the boys run down the stairs so they can hug and kiss each of their siblings.  This always makes me smile.  The boys are super cuddly and love to snuggle under a blanket and read books.  Their attention span is gaining and sometimes we can sit for 1/2 hour!

And for the eager family, a couple of videos.........