At 13 months.......

Alex and Jordan are so full of personality.
They love to make funny expressions.
They love to play with balls, cars and bang blocks together. The more noise, the better!
They love to climb. Being on the couch is a quick cure for grumpiness although they are usually more mad when they are forced to come back down.
They love to look at books. They equally love to eat, and rip books so we do need to be careful.
Alex and Jordan love to eat! They completely feed themselves although a spoon is still an accessory at this point.
{Alex/Jordan wearing their opposite colors!}
Both boys love screaming. When they are happy, they scream. When they are mad, they scream louder! They feed off each other and it is extremely difficult when they both want to be held. I will have one in my lap and the other will come and start pushing and hitting to be the one on my lap. Having both sit with me just doesn't seem to cut it. This is a big challenge for me and I sure hope it gets easier. I have always disliked the "witching" hour but with two this time can be even more challenging. Snacks, a quick play on the deck and early dinners seem to be our strategy at this point.
{Alex giving a happy scream}
Here's Alex again demonstrating the "fake" angry cry.
The boys love outside time. They enjoy going for walks in the stroller and pointing out all the sights, although their most favorite thing to do is run free in the yard.
I still put the boys down for two naps a day but lately there are becoming more days when they only nap once. I am still thinking through what to do in this regard.
A few more things.......
Jordan can walk backwards.
Alex likes to sign "more" whereas Jordan will say, "mo".
Jordan calls "mama" whereas Alex likes to "fake" cry me over.
The boys thoroughly enjoy people. They are friendly and social individuals.
All in all the boys are happy, healthy and full of vigor!!
Happy 13 months Boys.