We look forward to seeing you soon!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
15 months
A few things about Mikayla......
*unending energy and exploration
*Adores Aiden and Caileigh
*new owner of 5th tooth (top left)
*LOUD and chatty Some words being used are: dadda or daddy, momma, Aiden, Caileigh, cat, dog, duck, up, eat, night-night, Grandma, Gigi, banana, muffin, cookie, yeah, shoe and more each day
*Loves outside time and daily walks
*Loves bath time
*Friendly and waves to anyone
*Strong willed and determined
*Hates to be told no......will scream, bite and hit
*Still enjoys 2 naps a day but can get by with 1 or occasionally none.
*bedtime at 6:30, wake up 6:30
*eats well and enjoys all foods
*23 pounds 9 oz.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mikayla really wishes that she could ride a bike too!!

Caileigh came downstairs the other day wearing this outfit. I looked at it for the longest time trying to figure out what she was wearing. We often receive clothing from a girl in Caileigh's dance class and I knew that she had passed along a pair of pants and a skirt. Suddenly it dawned on me. The skirt came with a pair of shorts attached inside. Caileigh had put that over one shoulder and was wearing the skirt as a shirt. I think we might have a future clothes designer!

Last weekend there was a dance competition on the island. Three of my dancers were competing and I really wanted to go watch. I also wanted Caileigh to experience the excitement of seeing so many dancers competing against one another. To this day, whenever I hear the bagpipes I still feel the mad rush of adrenaline and nervousness and I joked that I wanted to pass this down to my daughter. I am glad that we went and got to watch, however it was extremely ambitious and I felt quite exhausted for several days after. I forgot how difficult it would be to keep track of all the kids and keep Mikayla happy. She is at that age of relentless energy. My good friend came to watch and we were blessed that she invited us to her house in the afternoon. This really helped because the kids could burn off their energy in a child safe environment. My Mom traveled with me and I am pleased to say that all my dancers placed! I was extremely proud of them.
Here are the big three enjoying some playdough time.
Aiden has been experimenting with his use of similes. Some of his recent comments have been, "I am as fast as a seal in a race car!"
"I am as cold as a sea lion in a rug."
A couple of months ago my Dad took Aiden to a hockey game that Sean was announcing. Aiden got filled with tons of special treats and even got to try a slurpee for the first time! My Dad didn't realize that we have a family rule that there is no pop until age 10 so Aiden felt extremely lucky to have been able to have some. Last night Sean took Aiden and Caileigh to a hockey game and they too got plenty of special treats. When they arrived home Sean and Aiden were snuggling on the couch and Sean asked Aiden if he had a good time. Aiden replied, "Yea, but you know I had a much better time with Bupee." He then replied, "I gotta say, that slurpee sure made me happy!"
I visited with the OB on Monday and got to see another sneak peek of the twins! They are both still measuring a week ahead and the Dr. is starting to think that this later date might be more in line with my due date. Based on a lot of factors it makes sense that I am due around the 10th. The Dr. also mentioned that the babies will be born as close to 38 weeks as possible. This brings us to the end of June, beginning of July for a scheduled c-section. I am going for another ultrasound at 28 weeks and then I will have bi-monthly ultrasounds to check for signs of pre-term labour. They are still not sure if I have one placenta or two so they also need to check that both boys are growing equally. I am feeling good although I am extremely tired. I do find taking some quiet time in the afternoon seems to help tremendously and trying not to stay on my feet for too long at at time.
I have been keeping a list of names on the fridge and as Sean gets the time he can check it over and cross off names that he doesn't like. Every now and them I throw on a really outrageous name just to see if he is paying attention. I want names that are easy to say and fairly different from one another. The other day I told Sean that I had the perfect names....."River" and "Powell". This way they can always remember where they were born. Or, maybe not!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The kids and I have been trying to get out as much as possible to enjoy the fresh air. A bike ride makes such a difference to the rest of our day. Aiden loves to pedal as fast as he can screaming out war cries of happiness. Caileigh's little legs running as fast as she can to keep up on her running bike. Mikayla, just happy to stroll along in the stroller and play chase with the older two. I love walking past all the Heritage homes. Definitely a win-win for everyone!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
March is officially here. Hard to believe that it is the first week and we've already had gorgeous warm days, and then today, snow! I was looking at pictures from last year and we are definitely a month ahead as far as the flowers and blossoms go. It is Spring Break and although it doesn't effect the kids much, it does mean that I don't have to teach dance for two weeks! I am looking forward to the full days off with Sean.
Kids are doing well. Music class finished up last week and Aiden has two more gymnatics classes after spring break. I have no plans to sign them up for structured activities in the Spring. I am looking forward to plenty of outdoor play time and impromptu play dates.
I have noticed that I haven't been taking as many pictures lately. It is hard to get Mikayla to stay in one spot long enough and the older two have more important things to do then sit and smile. The last two weeks I have tried to take a picture of them as we leave for church in the morning. They are dressed nicely and I figured it would be a great opportunity.
This was my first and only try with the three last week.
I did manage to get a nice one of the older two.This week's picture makes me chuckle. Aiden and Mikayla, dressed in matching colors and similiar smiles, then Caileigh, sitting on her own in her own ensemble choice. Always pink!
Babies are growing well, or should I say, I am growing well! I see the OB next Monday and have a scheduled ultrasound for 28 weeks. So far I can't say there is much difference in a twin or singleton pregnancy besides the increased size of my belly. I can't tell if these babies are extremely active or if it is just that one is always moving. I go between feeling starving and completely stuffed. I haven't quite figured out what the happy medium is yet. I am extremely tired but what mother isn't?
I feel blessed everyday for these growing babies and the older three. When Sean and I got married we planned to have two children, a boy and a girl. Here we are soon to become parents to five kids under five! Who would have thought it, but as Aiden always reminds me, only God knows!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
20 weeks
I went to the Dr. today. She seemed as shocked as I was about twins. She kept wondering if she had missed anything but there truly hadnt been any obvious signs. At my last appointment I was 16 weeks and measured 16 weeks. This time, however, I am 20 weeks and was measuring 27 weeks! She could find heartbeats on both sides of my stomach but it was really hard to tell if it was the same one or different. The rate was around 150. My weight gain is rising well at already 23 pounds!! When I was at my appointment the ultrasound results hadn't come in yet. The Dr. just phoned me to let me know that results had come in. Definite twin pregnancy, no abnormalities present and both babies measuring well. She did, however say that they couldn't tell if there were two placentas or not. I guess they are quite close together. Definitely two sacks. In my research, I have also discovered that twins can have two sacks and still be identical so we may have to wait until the babies are born before we know if they are fraternal or identical. I have been referred to the OB and will find out from him when I go for my next ultrasound and how he wants to proceed with the prenatal care.
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