Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A few things about a few people

A few things about Aiden:

Did you actually know that it is actually possible to use the word actually many times in a sentence, especially when it is actually your new favorite word.
Actually, its actually true.

Aiden says, "Back when I was twenty, in the olden days about 60 hundred years ago, I flew to Africa and played a video game on the plane."

Aiden was so upset that he could never walk again ever because his finger was so, so sore.

A few things about Caileigh:

Caileigh can usually be encouraged to do anything, as long as you can make her think it is her idea.

Caileigh continues to adore her dancing lessons. She even told Grandma that her dancing teacher's name is "Best Mommy". (melt my heart!!)

Caileigh is busy trying to keep up to her older brother.

A few things about Mikayla:

One of her favorite games is trying to intercept the spoon, loaded with food, as it nears her mouth. The farther the food flies, the more entertaining.

Mikayla will bounce up and down while standing if you ask her to dance. I may have to keep an open spot in the dance class.

It will soon be time for Mikayla to move into her own room.
This is what I see every few hours at night.

Happy 9 months Baby Girl!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mikayla has a cold

We're just hanging out in bed.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

That's Officer Watson to you.
Dr. Watson I presume?
The kids have been having fun playing dress up. Caileigh loves to play Dr. although favors being a patient that struggles with "having pregnancy." I guess my appointments being pregnant with Mikayla had an influence on her.

It's been a busy week. Sean went out of town for a managers retreat and really enjoyed himself. Aiden had his first Gymnastics class and loved it! The instructor did an amazing job keeping 4, 4 year olds on the run for an hour. On Tuesday, Caileigh came with me to dance class. Not only did she dance and keep up with the 5 year olds, but she also stayed at the studio for an additional 2 hours to watch the other classes. I am going to allow her to join the class and see how it goes as the class progresses.
We were very excited to have visitors from the Island. Aiden and Caileigh helped set the lunch table. Aiden made name tags for everybody and Caileigh helped add the decorations and special treats.
The whole gang.
The Big Kids

Mikayla with her tongue hanging out. When Aiden was the same age his tongue was always hanging out too.

Giving a little attitude.
We're all sick with colds, again. Just spending some quiet days at home, chasing after Mikayla, reading, making forts and all that good stuff. It seems that our days have been full, yet so enjoyable lately. The kids are growing and changing so quickly and I don't want to miss a thing. I find myself trying to slow down and enjoy each day for what it brings and not be focused on tomorrow.
Sharing a room......and a bed.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

2 years later....

Sept 07
Sept 09

Caileigh Sept 07
Sept 09

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ah yes, the tupperware stage.

Uh-Oh Caileigh! Good thing that didn't go in the fish bowl!

Mikayla's new trick, although we probably shouldn't play around too much because she will one day be hearing this word a lot and it won't be so cute when she says it back!!
Sean was busy getting ready for work early this morning and Aiden was chattering away about a book character.
Sean says, "I'm sorry Aiden, I don't know what you're talking about."
Aiden replies, "Oh sorry Daddy, I must have been speaking Spanish."

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I think that Aiden and Mikayla have a similar smile.  What do you think?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Aiden loves creating books. The other day he made this book titled, "Aiden's Book" and each page had a letter from his name and a corresponding picture. He looked through magazines, found a picture to match the letter, cut it out, and then pasted them in. Today's book was titled, "How do you make a mall?" He drew pictures of the various stages and then I wrote the words. It has been great for getting him to practice his cutting and writing skills.

Mikayla has been having so much fun exploring, pulling up and mastering stair climbing. It is such a fun stage although I can't turn my back for a second for fear of small lego pieces lurking about.

I love seeing Caileigh explore her "girl" side. For so long her world has been about trucks and wrestling. Caileigh loves to play nurturing games about being a mom or a Dr. She is also in the stage of play where she directs you to say or do certain things. When she dances around the house she might direct you to say, "Wow, that girl sure can dance!" She likes to hear affirming statements like this over, and over, and over......

Last night we had a Registration Fair and some of the girls danced. Caileigh spent nearly an hour running around and dancing with the girls in a large open room beside the registration area. When it came time for the girls to perform, you could tell that she so desperately wanted to be up there but just wasn't quite ready. She was so excited to have had the time to dance with the girls though and in her mind, she danced in public!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My mind does not seem to be working well enough to put together sentences.
Short story: Great trip, we're home, back to routine, kids doing great, a few pictures from our trip....